General Impairment -- DUI in Bucks County

DUI General Impairment in Bucks County

If an individual is charged with 75 Pa. C.S. § 3802(a), they are charged with a DUI - General impairment.  Specifically, they are charged with Driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance such that they are rendered incapable of safely driving, operating or being in actual physical control of the movement of the vehicle.  

A 3802(a) charge is better than 3802(b), (c), or (d) as it carries less penalties.  But, you should know -- you can be convicted of a 3802(a) based on officer's observations alone.  Even if your Bucks County criminal attorney gets the blood test suppressed, the officer may be able to convince the judge that you were incapable of safe driving based upon their experience and observations. 

If you have a juvenile DUI, you should contact a Bucks County juvenile lawyer to find out what your rights are.