Vivitrol Shot

            Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) is a newer and controversial concept. This is the action of using drug therapy to help treat addiction. A very common drug used is Vivitrol, also known as naltrexone, which is a shot that blocks the effects of opioids. This includes pain relief and the blocking of the utopic feelings that may lead to drug abuse and addiction. It is an injection distributed to previously opioid dependent people in order to prevent relapse. The primary function is to prevent the “need” to use opioids. Vivitrol can also be used to treat alcoholism by reducing the urge to drink. This shot should not be received if someone is experiencing withdrawal. It is used in the early recovery steps of an addict because it is a non-addictive opiate antagonist given in shot form once a month. However simple and positive the drug may appear, there are various pros and cons.

          The benefits of vivitrol are very positive and should be considered in making the decision of whether or not to take the drug. Vivitrol can make drugs and alcohol less desirable, it is a shot once a month so there is no need to remember to take the medication every single day, it could potentially break the dependence on habit-forming drugs without running the risk of a second addiction being formed.  In today’s society addiction is a more open and discussed issue. There is less of a stigma surrounding addiction and people are more inclined to help addicts, and find ways to treat what is now considered a disease.  The ability to mitigate the urge to use drugs could possibly be life altering. It could allow for an addict to become a functioning member of society and no longer live their life strictly to fuel their addiction. For many people these pros are massively valuable and beneficial.

          The counter argument/ cons of vivitrol is that is there are numerous possible drawbacks that may affect the recipient. This treatment may not be safe for pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding; there is the risk of severe liver damage, there are harsh side effects that may occur; including but not limited to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, joint pain, depressed mood, pneumonia and allergic reactions. In addition, it is very expensive, and requires flexibility in schedule in order to attend monthly appointments to receive the shot. Finally, there is still the potential for overdosing on the drug due to the fact that addicts take drugs in attempt to chase a high and with vivitrol there is no high to reach.

          Overall, Vivitrol is extremely controversial and there are many possible outcomes that may occur due to the fact that addiction is so unpredictable and erratic. There is not necessarily a correct path to take and Vivitrol is not a solution but it could potentially help the recovery process especially for those who struggle the most.